Convert Paradox databases via Command Line

Single file conversion

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Paradox Converter\pxcnv.exe" file.db outfile.ext [OPTIONS] | [@optionsfile]

Batch conversion

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Paradox Converter\pxcnv.exe" *.db destdir /TOEXT [OPTIONS]

where ext - (.dbf, .txt, .htm, .prg, .xml, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .sql, .rtf)

Common options

/REVERSE - export in reverse order

/LOG - generate the log file

/CLEARHISTORY - clear the history list

/APPEND - append to exist file


pxcnv.exe sample.db myexcel.xlsx /append

/COLUMNS - set columns for export


pxcnv.exe sample.db sample.csv /COLUMNS:NAME,STREET

/COLUMNSLIST - set columns for export from text file


pxcnv.exe sample.db sample.csv /COLUMNSLIST:columns

where columns - text file with column names (one per line)

/SORTBY:NAME - Sort by field Name

/HDR - for put the fields names in first line.


filter file format:

Field name:Value|Expression


single file conversion:

pxcnv.exe mybase.db out.xls

multiple file conversion:

pxcnv.exe c:\base\*.db c:\exports\ /TOSQL

Text/CSV options

/SEPx - where x delimiter

/SEPTAB - use TAB as delimiter

/SEPPIPE - use | as delimiter

/SINGLEQUOTA - single quotas

/DOUBLEQUOTA - double quotas

dBase options

/DBASE3 - DBASE III format

/DBASE4 - DBASE IV format

/VFP - Visual Foxpro format


pxcnv.exe c:\base\myfile.db out.dbf /DBASE3

SQL options

/MSSQL - Conver Paradox to SQL Server script

/MYSQL - Conver Paradox to MySQL Server script

pxcnv.exe c:\base\myfile.db out.sql /mysql

HTML options

/ASFORM - one record on the one page

/NUMBER - record number as first column

/MAXPERPAGE - maximum records on the one page

example: /MAXPERPAGE=100

/TITLE - page title

example: /TITLE=Customers

/COLOR - Text color

example: /COLOR=#0000ff

/BACKGROUND - Background color



Updated Tue, 21 Jan 2025

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