Export DBF to TSV

Tab Separated Values files are rarely seen today by casual users. The TSV format is a legacy format designed to store table data by using tabs to separate values. However, even though TSV is not widely used today, there is still sometimes a need to convert DBF tables to Tab Separated Values files.

Manual exporting of DBF to TSV from GUI

Upon start, the program brings up the open dialog where you can immediately select a DBF file to open and load into DBF Viewer 2000.

Browse for the DBF file you want to convert to TSV and open it. The program loads the file and displays it in the main window.

Finally, click the File | Save As/Export menu. This will open the "Save As" dialog

In the File type dropdown select "TSV files (*.tsv)". Click Save.

The DBF to TSV exporting dialog appears. Here you can configure exporting options.

Export DBF to TSV Screenshot

You can adjust a number of options too:

  • The Fields list in the left part of the exporting dialog allows you to select fields of the source DBF file you would like to transfer to the output TSV file.
  • Open after export done option will automatically run an associated application to open the resulting TSV file. If there is no such an application, a system dialog is shown.
  • Save only file structure. This option allows you to ignore the contents of the DBF file and export its structure only, i.e. field names.
  • Skip deleted records. If you don’t need to export records marked in the DBF file as deleted, enable this option.
  • Export fields names. If this option is checked, the TSV file will contain DBF field names as the first line. Otherwise, the exporting only contains data.
  • Reverse order option runs exporting from the bottom up to the top. That is, last records in the DBF will be first records in the output file.
  • Enclose text fields in quote. Text contents of fields will be enclosed in quotes. This can be useful to avoid parsing errors in some legacy software.
  • Use records range limits the range of records to export.

DBF to TSV Command Line

"c:\Program Files (x86)\DBF Viewer 2000\dbview.exe" file.dbf /EXPORT:file.tsv [/FILTER | /WFILTER | /REVERSE | /COLUMNS | /FROMRECORD | /SORTBY:field]

Simple Export

"c:\Program Files (x86)\DBF Viewer 2000\dbview.exe" sample.dbf /EXPORT:base.tsv

Export in reverse mode

"c:\Program Files (x86)\DBF Viewer 2000\dbview.exe" sample.dbf /EXPORT:sample.tsv /REVERSE

Export with selected columns

"c:\Program Files (x86)\DBF Viewer 2000\dbview.exe" sample.dbf /EXPORT:sample.tsv /COLUMNS:ADDR,ID,NAME

Export with Sorting

"c:\Program Files (x86)\DBF Viewer 2000\dbview.exe" sample.dbf /EXPORT:sample.tsv /SORTBY:NAME

Updated Wed, 26 Feb 2025